Alvin Smith, Outside The Rusting Decay Of Confinement, 2024


Safe communities use art and inclusion as a solution, not prisons!

September 21st, 2024 — January 12th, 2025

Cedar Annenkovna, Corey Arthur, Mark A Cádiz, De’jon Joy, Jessie Milo, Joanna Nixon, Jared Owens, Alvin Smith

Curated by Orlando Smith & Rahsaan Thomas

Empowerment Avenue and Berkeley Art Center co-present Painting Ourselves into Society. This exhibition is co-curated by Orlando Smith aka “O. Smith” from inside San Quentin Prison and Rahsaan “New York” Thomas, who has returned to society after 22 years inside. It features the works of eight currently and formerly incarcerated artists nationwide exploring what it means for incarcerated people to stay connected to the larger community and to challenge the idea of what healing looks like together. 

Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, September 21st, from 2-5pm, and for two public programs, listed below.

This exhibition was generously funded by the California Arts Council and City Picture Frame.


Public Programs

A Moment Missed: Connected through Loss

  • Saturday October 12th 11:00am —2:00pm.

  • In-person at Berkeley Art Center, 1275 Walnut Street, Berkeley

We will explore through facilitated dialogue the shared experience of missing everyday moments in our lives, highlighting our universal desire for inclusion and connection to our community, regardless of our circumstances.

Building Beloved Communities Across Prison Walls

  • Saturday Nov 2nd 11:00am—3:00pm.

  • In-person at Berkeley Art Center, 1275 Walnut Street, Berkeley

We will explore through facilitated dialogue what it means to build beloved community among incarcerated culture bearers and local residents.

All programs will include calls from artists in prisons across the country.