Featured artist of the month 2014

Edith Hillinger 

Edith Hillinger’s lyrical collages bring together archetypal patterns, botanical lines and a modernist sensibility. Hand drawn lines combined with collage and photography create a sense of fragmentation, which is belied by an energetic interweaving of form and space.  

Hillinger holds a BA from New York University and a 4 year certificate in painting from Cooper Union, NY. Born in Germany, Hillinger grew up in Turkey and came to the United States as an adult. She has shown internationally and has recently had solo exhibitions at the Offramp Gallery, Pasadena, Togonon Gallery, San Francisco and Larson Gallery in Minneapolis. A long time supporter of Berkeley Art Center, we are honored to feature Edith Hillinger's work. 

Artist Statement

These collages are infused with the idea of the nomadic life. This was the pattern of my early life starting out in Germany, growing up in Turkey and then coming to the United States. The work brings together all I have gathered from these very different cultures and the circumstances of my personal life. Added to that is my long time interest in patterns: archetypal patterns, such as the zigzag pattern, that can be found on Hittite gold vessels, Indian baskets or as tattoos on the faces of Maori chiefs; architectural patterns found in Islamic, Byzantine and modern architecture; patterns found in nature; the meandering patterns, one pattern flowing into another, found in the work of some Aborigine and African Art.

Click here to visit the artist's website.

Untitled 5-5-2010, 2010, collage and mixed media on paper

Untitled 5-5-2010, 2010, collage and mixed media on paper

Mittsu, 2012, collage on canvas

Mittsu, 2012, collage on canvas

Landscape i, 2010, collage on paper

Landscape i, 2010, collage on paper